====== SOLID ====== Robert C. Martin created the //SOLID// principle collection where "SOLID" is an acronym for the following principles: * [[principles:Single Responsibility Principle]] (SRP) * [[principles:Open-Closed Principle]] (OCP) * [[principles:Liskov Substitution Principle]] (LSP) * [[principles:Interface Segregation Principle]] (ISP) * [[principles:Dependency Inversion Principle]] (DIP) This is the subset of Martin's principles that deals with the design of classes. For the full list of principles he collected see [[collections:Robert C. Martin's Principle Collection]]. ===== Origin ===== * Robert C. Martin: //Agile Software Development, Principles, Patterns, and Practices// * [[http://www.butunclebob.com/ArticleS.UncleBob.PrinciplesOfOod|ButUncleBob: Principles of OOD]] ===== Further Reading ===== * [[wp>SOLID]] ===== Box ===== ^ **[[collections:SOLID]]** ^^^^^ | [[principles:Single Responsibility Principle|SRP]] | [[principles:Open-Closed Principle|OCP]] | [[principles:Liskov Substitution Principle|LSP]] | [[principles:Interface Segregation Principle|ISP]] | [[principles:Dependency Inversion Principle|DIP]] | | //...see also [[Robert C. Martin's Principle Collection|Robert C. Martin's other principles]]...// ||||| ===== Discussion ===== Discuss this wiki article and the collection on the corresponding [[talk:collections:SOLID|talk page]].